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A tallest man in world history

Robert Pershing Wadlow is the tallest man recorded in the world history, he was born on February, 22/1918 in Alton illinois. Robert had 8 feet and 11.1 inches height, which is equivalent to 2.72 meters. His weight was 199 kilograms. Robert became taller than his Father when he was only 8 years old.

Robert Pershing Wadlow 

Robert Pershing Wadlow studied and graduated at Alton High School. All desks in his school were small to him, therefore, his school made a special desk for him. Not only that but also special chairs, clothes and shoes were made for him because of his abnormal height. He also had a special house which is now a museum for preserving his history. His height made him unable to walk steadily so used crutches to walk. Robert Pershing Wadlow died on July 15, 1940 when he was 22 years old.

The house of Robert Pershing Wadlow