Language is a tool used by human beings to communicate. By definition, language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols which are used by human beings in communication. It has several unique characteristics which makes it different from other types of communication. 
The following below are the characteristics of language.

1. Language is productive

Language is productive because it allow us to use words to create different sentences. But also we can create new words from new inventions, ideas and concepts. Unlike  animals, their communication methods do not change, for example the sound of a goat "Mee" has been the same since then and hasn't changed until now.

2. Language allows displacement

We can use language to talk about things happened far away from our environment. For example, you might be at home but still by using language you can talk things happened at your workplace, school, street or collage. We can also use language to talk about past, present and future things.
This is quite different from animals, where by their communication concerns about here and now. They can't narrate things happened from other places or happened in the past time or which are about to happened in the future.

3. Language is arbitrary

Arbitrary means happening by chance without being planned or expected. Language is arbitrary because the words we use to refer things occurred by chance without a formula. That's why the same thing may be referred or named differently in different languages, for example, the organ for sight is called "eye" in English, "yeux" in French and "macho" in Swahili.

4. Language allows interchangeability

Language allows people to speak in turn, when one person speaks, another one becomes a listener. And when a listener responds, a former speaker becomes a listener.

5. Language is duality

Dual means two. The human language is duality because it comprises two levels, the level of sound and the level of meaning. The words we use are made-up of discrete sounds which when arranged in a particular order produce a particular meaning.

6. Language is transmitted by culture

We learn language from our communities, thus language is a part of a human culture.

7. Language is reflexive

Language is reflexive because it allows us to discus about itself. For example, you use language to learn its characteristics through this article.

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