Who Is A Policyholder?

A policyholder

A policyholder (sometimes known as named insured) is a person whose insurance policy is registered by his name. He is the owner of the policy and can make changes or cancel it. 
In most cases, a policyholder is responsible to pay premiums. Premiums are the fees or costs of the insurance policy.

Difference between a policyholder and an insured.

A policyholder is the one who owns the policy. While an insured is any person or entity which is covered by the insurance policy. An insured can be a policyholder or just an additional insured.

Difference between a policyholder and an additional insured.

A policyholder is the owner of the policy while an additional insured is any person who is covered by the policy other than a policyholder. An additional insured enjoys insurance benefits but he is not the owner of the policy.


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