It's really hard to send a WhatsApp status without typing anything or adding any video or photo. So you must either type something or add a video clip or photo, otherwise WhatsApp won't allow you to send your status.
This post is going to show you a simple trick you can use to set a blank WhatsApp status without using any app.
How to set blank status on WhatsApp
To set a blank or empty status on WhatsApp follow steps below.
Step 1:
Copy the blank space between these blankets below
( )
NB: Just a blank space only, do not copy with the blankets.
Step 2:
Launch WhatsApp then go to the status area. There, click a pencil icon to create a status.
Step 3:
Hold the text area and paste the blank space you copied.
Step 4:
Send your status.
You can also use this trick to send an empty message on WhatsApp.
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