How to get high traffic in a new blog!!

Blogging has now become popular and helpful to people, through blogging some of people get incomes, promote their products but also readers get answers of their questions when they search through search engines or visit direct to blogs. For those who want to promote products or earn money from their blogs, the issue of high traffic should be considered. In this post we are going to see about how to get high traffic in a new blog!!? Without wasting a time let's go directly to the points. The following are the things can be done to make high traffic in a new blog.

1)Use Search Console
This is a tool which is used to help optimization of contents in your blog. Therefore you should register your blog to search console and present URLs of your post so as they can be indexed faster by the search engines, this service is free and can help you to increase visitors in your blog because your blog posts will be indexed faster.

2)use links
The use of links in a blog post, usually boost the post to be indexed faster and making a post to be in high ranking of searching results by the search engines, you can put link in your post from outside or inside of your blog, remember the more you link your post, the more your post will be indexed by search engines and ranked in a high and good position in a search results.

3) use social networks
Here we are talking about networks like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc. Sharing of blog posts to social networks help people who use social networks to click and go direct to your post whenever they need or want more information about your post, also sharing of blog posts to social media helps your post to be indexed faster by search engines.

4) Comment on other blogs
When you comment on other blogs using your Google account helps your blog to have good ranking in search engine but this is not much effective way of boosting your traffic, you can do it as an additional way.

5) post frequently
For the new blog there is a need of posting frequently because if you will have many posts you will also having many visitors from those posts.

6) Link your blog with your social media accounts.
It is important for any blog to have social media which is connected to the blog, you can add your blog link in your social media biography and add your social media link to your site/blog. This really boost the traffic of your blog.

7) create subscription option to push your post notifications.

You can put subscribe button where by people who subscribe get notification in their emails or you can sign up and join with network which are responsible in pushing notification to those who subscribe in your blog example of these network is ONESIGNal

8) Write posts which explain about solving problems how to do!

Many people nowadays uses internet to try to find up solutions of problems and finding knowledge about things. When you write the post which explain things like this post you are in a good way to get visitors in your blog.
But also you should know your community you can post other things like entertainment but still having many visitors.

9) make your blog having good appearance

Appearance of a blog also can be considered by the visitors, some of visitors can visit back to your blog because of your good or unic appearance of your blog this will make your blog having special visitors who visit your blog frequently.

Those were few things to do so as to boost or increase traffic of a blog.
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