Mursi is an African tribe which found in Ethiopia's Omo National park, the tatal population of this tribe is not more 10,000. Mursi people depend much on cattles rearing for meet and milk and also they harvest crops like Maize, sorghum and beans, although they experience drought challenge which weakens their crops and cattles.

The tribe believes on presence of god who is called TUMWI, and Each clan in mursi tribe has their highest priest who is known as KAMORU who acts as the communicator to the god (TUMWI), the roles of priest (KAMORU) in the clan are, to fight diseases, protect a clan from attacks, to connect people with their god (TUMWI) and healing people who are sick or wounded. The healing of the people  usually done by using herbs and some times priests perform dance to the sick people and put hands over them.

Single mursi men use to fight by using wooden poles during ceremonial dueling (donga) to show their strength, the fight ends after one man defeate by keeling over from  broken bones or wounds, the fight also helps men to impress unmarried woman.

 Mursi young unmarried girls get their cut on the lips (lip cut) and cover holes by using wooden plugs as the sign to show their status of being unmarried, while Married women place round plates in their lip holes and the size of plate determine the bride worth.

During marriage ceremonies brides' family usually gives about 38 cattles to grooms' familiy and it is a taboo to marry into another clan.
Elders are usually act as a police as they have roles of watch over their people and punish law breakers

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