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Advantages of job classification

advantages/importance of job classification

Job classification is a systematic process in which jobs are grouped according to their similarities in terms of responsibilities, complexity as well as skills, knowledge and abilities required to perform them. Job classification is one of methods of job evaluation.

Advantages of job classification.

Helps to set a standardized and fairly pay rate

During job classification process, jobs are grouped according to their similarities. Thus, helps employers to set a fairly pay rate to each position or job in an organization.

Brings job satisfaction to employees

As mentioned above, job classification helps employers to set a fairly pay. In this case, it raises job satisfaction to the employees.

Helps employees to know their duties

Job classification involves defining the roles and activities of each job in organization to determine the pay rate. This can help employees to be aware of their responsibilities in their jobs and reduce ambiguity.

Helps to rank jobs in organizational hierarchy

Also, job classification helps employers to evaluate the authority of each job and rank them in an organization hierarchy system.

Helps to determine the specifications of the jobs

Job classification can also helps employers or hr managers to determine the required qualifications or specifications of the jobs, such skills, knowledge and ability.

Helps to match a right person in a right job

The job specifications define during job classification process helps employers to hire a right person in a job.

Helps to Identify training needs

Last but not least, job classification can help employers to identify the gaps in terms of skills, knowledge and ability. This helps them to know the training areas.

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