A moving text is a feature that you can add in your blog by using a marquee HTML code (<marquee> tag). This feature moves a text with in a box automatically.
The most interesting thing is you don't need a coding knowledge to add a moving text in your blog. It is all about copying a code and pasting it in your blog (whether in a post or widget).
This post is going to give you different HTML codes for scrolling text(s) and show you how to install it in your Blogger blog.
What is a scrolling text?
A scrolling or a sliding text or a moving text is a text that moves automatically within a specified box which can be added in a blog or website by using a simple HTML code with a <marquee> tag. The text can move any direction (vertically or horizontally) depending on your needs and how you set it.
Why you should use a scrolling text?
A moving text makes your blog looks stylish and attractive. This can help you to catch the readers attention when are landing in your blog.
Also, it makes your visitors consider what is written in a moving text. Thus, in this case, your message will be delivered easily.
Scrolling text HTML codes
Code 1: A simple moving text code
Preview of code 1
Code 2: A moving text code with background colour
To edit background colour replace #33cc99 with a code of colour you want.
Previews of code 2
Code 3: Coloured moving text with Background colour
To change text colour replace the word white with a name of colour you want
Preview of code 3
Code 4: Bolded coloured moving text with background colour
Preview of code 4
Code 5: Italic coloured moving text with background colour
Preview of code 5
Code 6: Underlined coloured moving text with background colour
Preview of code 6
Code 7: Moving text with speed control
To set speed adjust or replace number 6 with any number you want
Preview of code 7
Code 8: Moving Text With Direction Control
To change direction, replace the word up with left, right or down
Preview of code 8
Code 9: Moving text with links (linked text)
Replace the word "url" with your link.
Preview of code 9
- bgcolor= - change background colour
- style="color: - change text colour
- scrollamount= - set a scrolling speed
- direction= - change direction
- <a href= your link
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