What is Job enrichment?

Job enrichment

Job enrichment is to make a job meaningful to the employees. 

By definition, job enrichment is a process of designing a job to make it more interesting and challenging by adding various motivators, those motivators include job enlargement (additional of tasks to an existing job or role), feedback, and autonomy (freedom in performing a job). The aim is to make a job meaningful and motivational.

Job enrichment is usually confused with job enlargement, but these two concepts have different meanings and they can't be used interchangeably. 

Job enlargement means to add tasks to an existing job, while job enrichment is a away of making a job interesting and challenging and one of method of job enrichment is job enlargement.

Job enrichment benefits both organization and employees, some of its advantages includes, reduction of employees turnover, motivating employees as well as providing employees with new skills.

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