Importance of job description in HRM

Job description

Job description is a document that provides information related to a job such as a job title, amount of salary, responsibilities, requirements, qualifications, expectations and others. The job information provided in a job description are very important in human resources management activities. The following are the importance of Job description in HRM.

It helps in recruitment and selection

Job description helps HR managers to recruit and select the best and right candidates in the job positions. The job specifications (required qualifications) outline in a job description guide HR managers to complete the recruitment and selection process accurately and easily.

Helps in performance appraisal

HR managers can use job description to evaluate the level of performance of the employees in an organization simply by relating the employees performance with the expectations defined in a job description.

Helps to Identify training needs

Job description can also help to figure out the areas where employees are not doing well in terms of knowledge, skills and ability and plan for the training programs.

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