Purpose Of Job Description


Job description (JD) is a document that contains job details. It is mostly used by employers in recruitment process to attract the best candidates to apply for a job. A formal job description usually has job title, job summary, key responsibilities, qualifications, reporting structure and compensation. There are various purposes which drives employers or companies to create job descriptions as mentioned and explained below.

1. To define job requirements and qualifications

The first aim for creating job description is to define the requirements and qualifications of a job. As mentioned above, employers use JD in recruitment process to attract best candidates to apply for a job regarding to the qualifications and requirements outlined in a job description.

2. To define responsibilities and expectations of a job

Another purpose of job description is to define the responsibilities a job entails and define what is expected to an employee who hold that job. This helps candidates to have awareness of the activities and roles they will be performing when they get hired, but also helps employers to assess the performance of the employees by reviewing the responsibilities and expectations outlined and determine whether a job is well performed or not.

3. To hire a right person

Job description is also used for the aim of attracting best candidates and hiring a right person in a job by the assistance of the qualifications and requirements outlined. Further more, the outlined qualifications and requirements helps to discourage disqualified candidates from applying a job.

4. To evaluate training needs

JD can also be used by employers to determine the level of performance of the employees and identify the training needs. This can be done by reviewing the expectations and responsibilities of the job in relation to the employees performance.

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