Job Design: Meaning, Techniques And Benefits

Job design is one of the purpose of job analysis, thus it follows after job analysis process. The information brought from the analysis are very useful in designing the jobs.

What is job design?

Job design is a process of creating, adding or removing roles to an existing job, it is also known as job redesign. The main aim of job design is to optimize jobs so as to increase its value and productivity. It involves optimization or adjustment of roles performed by an employee, processes or methods used in accomplishing a job, the resources or materials needed to perform a job and working hours. When designing a job, it is highly recommended to consider five key job characteristics which are Skill variety, Task identity, Autonomy, Task significance and Feedback. A job with these characteristics brings high satisfaction to the employees. 

Techniques of job design

Some examples of job design strategies or techniques or methods in HRM are:

Job rotation

Job rotation is a strategy in which employees are shifted in different jobs within an organization. Whereas employees work in new jobs within in a certain period of time then brought back to their previous jobs or taken to other jobs. Job rotation helps employees to learn duties performed in other fields as well as to know the challenges faced in those fields. 

Job enlargement

Job enlargement also known as job expansion, is a process of adding additional responsibilities and activities to an existing job. This means that employees perform more different activities to their current job. This technique helps employees to expand their knowledge and reduce boredom and monotony. 

Job simplification

Job or work simplification is a process of reducing the tasks from a job to make it easy and manageable. It is done when an employee has many roles or duties to perform in a job.

Job enrichment

Job enrichment is a process of adding motivators to a job to make it more interesting and challenging. It involves addition of tasks to a job (job enlargement), feedback and autonomy.

Job crafting

Job crafting is initiated by employees themselves, whereby they customize their jobs to make them more interesting. Job crafting helps to increase employees engagement and performance.

Benefit of job design

  • Employees satisfaction and motivation
  • Reduces boredom
  • Reduces turnover
  • Reduces absenteeism
  • Increases productivity

Employees satisfaction and motivation

A well designed job which is characterized with Skill variety, Task identity, Autonomy, Task significance and Feedback brings satisfaction to the employees. This helps to increase the employees engagement and performance hence raise overall output in a company.

Reduces boredom

Employees may feel bored when perform a job with repetitive tasks. Job design helps HR or managers to ensure that tasks performed by employees are not repetitive in nature, this leads to reduction of boredom.

Reduces absenteeism and turnover

A well designed job brings satisfaction to employees since it is rewarding and engaging. This can reduce absenteeism and make employees stay for long time in an organization.

Increases productivity

An effective job design helps to increase employees engagement and performance which can significantly result to raise in organizational productivity.

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