Job stability is a consistency of a job in terms of working hours, payments and position. According to some examples of stable jobs are mail carrier, physician assistant, mechanical engineer, software engineer and dentist. While less stable jobs include freelancing and part-time jobs.
Job stability is different from job security. Job stability involves staying in the same job for long time without changes, while job security is an assurance that employee won't lose a job in the near future. Further more, a stable job is secure, but not every secure job is stable.
Advantages of job stability
Retains and attracts new talents:
Almost every worker prefers a stable job, in this case when employees find a job they do is more secure and stable they are more likely to continue with that job, this can reduce turnover in an organization. Again, when the employees tell others about the stability and security of their job, others may also like to join the company, thus a company may get new best talents.
Increases engagement:
Job stability reduces stress and anxiety but also develop confidence and comfortability to employees. This can make employees focus much on their work and be committed to it, which can result to high output.
Encourages creativity:
Job stability can also foster creativity in an organization, this because employees feel confident and more comfortable to explore new innovative ideas. The creative ideas can increase organizational productivity.
Increases productivity:
Employees who do a job that offers stability are more likely to be focused and highly committed this can lead to high productivity.
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