Uranus and Neptune are the furthest planets in the solar system. Uranus is about 2.9 billion kilometers away from the S…
Annual statistics show from time to time that August is a very dangerous month when it comes to road accidents, especia…
Management styles are the approaches used by managers to lead their teams, also known as leadership styles. There are …
Bamboos are the fastest growing plant on the earth. In fact, bamboos are not trees as most of people probably think, b…
Job stability is a consistency of a job in terms of working hours, payments and position. According to indeed.com some…
Image by LockPickingLawyer youtube What is job security? Job security is a situation whereby an employee feels safe fr…
Job experience refers to how long a person have worked in a certain field or job, it is also known as work experience.…
Job performance or work performance refers to how effective the employees execute a job or task they are assigned. Th…
Image source: Job Satisfaction - Our Pen (YouTube) Job satisfaction is a degree to which employees feel happy about th…
Job crafting are self-initiated proactive changes employees make to their job so as to make it align with their needs. …
Servant leadership is a leadership approach in which leaders acts as servants to the followers. The servant leaders pay…
Micromanagement is a leadership style in which leaders or managers check every detail of work so to be done at required…
This article highlights on meaning of bureaucratic leadership, its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages as wel…