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Did you know it rains diamonds on Uranus and Neptune

Diamond rain

Uranus and Neptune are the furthest planets in the solar system. Uranus is about 2.9 billion kilometers away from the Sun, while Neptune is about 4.5 billion kilometers away from  the Sun. These two planets are also called ice giant planets due to their extreme cold temperature and methane-rich atmosphere which also makes them look blue in colour, this because methane absorbs other colours and reflected blue. The surface of these two planets, Uranus and Neptune is liquid but get denser heading toward the core.

Uranus and Neptune

Uranus is one of the two planets in the solar system that rotate on their side, the other one is Venus. Uranus and Venus rotate clockwise (from east to west) while the rest planets in the solar system rotate counterclockwise.

But, did you know that it rains diamond on Uranus and Neptune?

While here on the planet we live "planet earth" it use to rain water and sometimes snows during winter season in some areas, things are different in Uranus and Neptune where it rains diamond.

The scientific research shows that temperature and pressure conditions are so extreme on these planets that carbon atoms could be crushed into diamonds in their atmospheres which results to diamond rain. But since these planets lack solid surface the diamonds sink through the ice layer and accumulate around the solid cores of the planets forming a thick diamond layer.

Diamonds are precious stones, right? So it could be a good idea for us to go there and grab them, but unfortunately that's impossible, not only our technology is still poor to take us there but also extreme weather conditions that do not support us to get there as humans.

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