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Did you know that crocodiles eat stones?

Crocodiles are the largest and strongest reptilians who spend their lifetime in water and land. 

Something you might not know about Crocodiles is that they eat stones. Perhaps you already know this but you don't know why they do that. 

Below are the reasons for why crocodiles consume stones. 

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Why do crocodiles eat stones?

Crocodiles use to eat stones and these stones are scientifically known as Gastrolith. However, crocodiles don't eat stones for enjoyment as they use to enjoy when they eat meat of animals they hunt, but they eat stones because of the following reasons. 

1. To support digestion system

Crocodiles swallow Stones so as to help digestion system in their stomachs. This because they eat food without chewing to crush them into small pieces. Their jaws can not move a side to allow the teeth to grind the food, thus swallowing these stones helps to grind food in their stomachs. 

2. To make them feel belly full

Another reason for crocodiles to swallow stones is to feel full in their stomachs when they are hungry. Swallowing these stones makes them be able to stay for long time without getting food. 

3. To support them when they swim

Also Crocodiles swallow stones so as to be able to swim well especially when they want to go deep under the water, these stones make them be heavy and be able to maintain to go deeper. 

In addition; There are other animals who eat stones for digestion like whale, chicken and penguins.

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